Memorial to J. Edward Gates

Ed Gates, the founder of the DSNA, died on December 24, 2015. Remembrances were published in the Spring 2016 issue of the Newsletter, but more can and needs to be said about someone who has meant so much to the Society. This issue is dedicated to him and contains four more remembrances of him. They begin with a statement by our current president, Luanne von Schneidemesser, continue with statements by colleagues of his at Indiana State University, and close with his own words. Ed Gates and David Jost in 2001 at Ann Arbor, Michigan Edward Gates, Founder of DSNA Ed Gates, the force behind the founding of the DSNA, died on Christmas Eve, 2015, as reported in the Spring 2016 Newsletter.  He did not manage to write a history of the Society as he long wanted to do (see Victoria Neufeldt’s DSNA Fellows Profile “J. Edward Gates: Living History” in the DSNA Newsletter of Spring 2006), since he was suffering from the effects of...
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David Jost on Loving Dictionaries

David Jost on Loving Dictionaries

DAVID JOST—lexicographer (formerly) with the Middle English Dictionary and (currently) with the American Heritage Dictionary, former DSNA president, DSNA Fellow, and now chair of the DSNA's membership committee—has written a lovely guest essay for the AHD blog: Lovers of Dictionaries: Read This. In the essay he briefly touches on his long history with the society, giving an overview of the benefits the DSNA has brought to the world of dictionary-making. But, he adds, "the DSNA isn’t just for people who practice or study lexicography. It’s also a social network where dictionary and language lovers in the general populace can pursue and share their interests."...
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A note about student membership

Student Membership in the Dictionary Society of North America is free. With that comes free access to all present and past issues of the DSNA journal Dictionaries via Project Muse as well as digital copies of the newsletter and the membership directory. In order to process membership, we need a short message or letter from a supervising professor or advisor (or the equivalent) from an academic email account (even better: on letterhead) to the DSNA Executive Secretary confirming that you are a student and with your expected graduation date. We will then provide you with free student membership until your graduation. Once we confirm your student status, we will enter you into our membership file, send you the Muse information, and you’re set....
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