The Frederic G. Cassidy and Richard W. Bailey Awards for 2017

The Frederic G. Cassidy Award for Distinguished Achievement in Lexicography or Lexicology is presented to a senior member of the Society who has, throughout his or her career, significantly advanced lexicography or lexicology by major achievements at the highest scholarly standard in one or both of those fields. The Richard W. Bailey Award for Distinguished Service to Lexicography and Lexicology is presented to a senior member of the Society who has, throughout his or her career, significantly advanced lexicography or lexicology by service to one or both of those fields. The awards are presented biennially, for the first time in 2015, when Gerald L. Cohen received the Cassidy Award, and J. Edward Gates the Bailey Award. This year, a committee composed of Victoria Neufeldt, Allan Metcalf, Rod McConchie, Sarah Ogilvie, and me considered various candidates for the awards, and we are pleased to announce that Lise Winer will be the second recipient of the Cassidy Award and Madeline Kripke the...
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News of Members

Christine Ammer writes: The long-awaited new, revised and updated edition of my book, Unsung: A History of Women in American Music, is now available.  Addressed to music lovers of every genre, it chronicles the activities of women composers, conductors, instrumentalists, orchestra and opera managers, conservatory founders, and educators from the late 1700s to 2016.  It can be purchased as an e-book or print-on-demand book from Amazon and booksellers everywhere. Biographical sketches show the active participation of women musicians in every genre, as well as the increasing strides they have made in recent decades.  Christine Ammer has many other titles to her credit, including American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms (approximately 10,000 idioms), Facts on File Dictionary of Cliches (approximately 3,000 cliches), and A to Z of Foreign Musical Terms (translation of expression marks from 35,000 scores).  Earlier word books now available as e-books include Fighting Words from War, Rebellion, and Other Combative Capers; Southpaws and Sunday Punches and Other Sporting Expressions; Fruitcakes and Couch Potatoes and...
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Dictionaries: Something to look forward to in 2017 After 37 years as an annual publication, Dictionaries is moving to two issues a year. To trumpet the move we’ll introduce a new cover design and logo and a modern, more readable inside page. What will two issues a year mean to you? Well, quite a bit—but if an increase in dues was the first thing that entered your mind, dispel the thought. But here’s what you can expect. Our annual has varied in size, over the past five years averaging about 270 pages per issue, and while an increase in page numbers would be welcome, we aren’t aiming to double the number published in a year. We will likely increase gradually, but even if page count remains steady, publishing two numbers a year delivers real advantages. For one thing, it’s a way for DSNA and its members to greet one another each spring and fall with both a journal and a newsletter. In...
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Memorial to J. Edward Gates

Ed Gates, the founder of the DSNA, died on December 24, 2015. Remembrances were published in the Spring 2016 issue of the Newsletter, but more can and needs to be said about someone who has meant so much to the Society. This issue is dedicated to him and contains four more remembrances of him. They begin with a statement by our current president, Luanne von Schneidemesser, continue with statements by colleagues of his at Indiana State University, and close with his own words. Ed Gates and David Jost in 2001 at Ann Arbor, Michigan Edward Gates, Founder of DSNA Ed Gates, the force behind the founding of the DSNA, died on Christmas Eve, 2015, as reported in the Spring 2016 Newsletter.  He did not manage to write a history of the Society as he long wanted to do (see Victoria Neufeldt’s DSNA Fellows Profile “J. Edward Gates: Living History” in the DSNA Newsletter of Spring 2006), since he was suffering from the effects of...
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News of Members

News of Members

Alexander Bocast reports that the Encyclopedia of Diderot & d’Alembert Collaborative Translation Project has just published his translation of the article on définition in Diderot’s Encyclopédie, the first time that the article has been published in an English translation. They have put it up in three parts: one each for definition in logic, in mathematics, and in rhetoric. Ray Cole, founder of the press The Rational Curriculums Enterprise™, which encourages “the rational development of the humanities,” in 2015 published Finding Your Voice, Everyday Phrases for Speaking and Writing, Volume 1 by Marshall Frank. Volume 1 contains “phrases that can serve as verbs or actions.” For more information please see The paperback edition of Steven Pinker’s The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century was published earlier this year. Also, the Guardian published an interview in which he commends lexicographers rather than journalists and essayists as sources of sound advice on usage. Lewis J. Poteet reports that...
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HEL-LEX5, 5th International Symposium on History of English Lexicography and Lexicology, 16–18 February 2017, Zurich, Switzerland, SHEL 10, English Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 2–4 June 2017. ASIALEX 2017, the National Key Research Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), Guangzhou, China. 10–12 June 2017. Prescriptivism 2017, Brigham Young University, Park City, UT. 21–23 June 2017. AustraLex Conference, University of the South Pacific, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. 28–29 August 2017. eLex Conference, Institute of the Dutch Language, Leiden, the Netherlands, second half of September 2017. 19th Century Lexicography Conference: Between Science and Fiction. Stanford University, Stanford, CA USA, 6–7 April 2018....
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2017 Conference in Barbados

2017 Conference in Barbados

Plans for the conference in Barbados are moving along nicely. The Call for Papers will go out publicly shortly via the Linguist List and other linguistics and lexicography listservs. Be sure to share it widely when you receive the links. However, as DSNA members, you are the first to see the call here. All information will be on our website Be sure to book your rooms early at the Accra Beach Hotel or the Blue Horizon Hotel, both of which have special rates for the conference, or feel free to look for other hotels in the Rockley/Hastings area, all of which are gorgeous and none of which are very far by van or car from the Accra Beach Hotel. Accra Beach has also offered to honor the group rate for the five days preceding and following the conference, for those of you wishing to stay and enjoy the beautiful weather and attractions that Barbados has to offer. For those who missed...
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