1. To make it easier to navigate the Newsletter the introduction will now contain a TOC to the various posts of the Newsletter.
2. Member News: Peter Chipman offers news that has been gathered about our members.
3. Conferences: Orin Hargraves announces the DSNA’s next conference and a Call for Papers, and Lise Winer lists conferences of interest.
4. DSNA: Elizabeth Knowles, our president, addresses our Society and Ed Finegan reports on Globalex. He also brings an interesting puzzle to our attention from a past issue of our Journal.
5. Dictionaries: We offer material on three major North American dictionary projects, the MED, DARE, and DOE.
6. Collections: David Vancil discusses the Library of Congress.
7. Madeline Kripke is memorialized by Jonathon Green, Michael Adams, and David Vancil.
8. Education: Katie Welch tells us how she uses dictionaries in the college classroom for sociolinguistic inquiry.
9. History: David Jost offers a history of the staff of the Middle English Dictionary.
10. State of Lexicography: Orin Hargraves tells us about his work on Encarta.
11. Quotations: Elizabeth Knowles looks at a timely quotation in the season of Covid-19.
12. Publication Information on this issue of the Newsletter.