This will be my last issue of the DSNA Newsletter. It has truly been an honor and a privilege to follow in the footsteps of my predecessors beginning with Edward Gates. My sincerest gratitude goes to all those who made it possible for me to do this work.

I want to single out a few who did special work for the Newsletter. First and foremost is Peter Chipman who edited all the online issues. Steve Kleinedler gave me his services while Peter worked at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Peter continued his work after he went to MIT.

David Vancil contributed many times with articles on collecting and also recruited others to write on the subject. Lise Winer regularly gave us lists of conferences that were relevant to our field.

Several people have agreed to write regular columns for the Newsletter. In alphabetical order they are Michael Adams, Janet DeCesaris, Connie Eble, Orin Hargraves, and Elizabeth Knowles. Almost all of them have work in the current issue.

I also want to point out that tributes to Ed Gates can be found in both the Spring 2016 and Spring 2017 issues.

Finally, I will share a cartoon in which I appear in my role as judge for the annual spelling bee held by First Literacy of Boston, which supports efforts on behalf of adult literacy.

©Ron Hill,